[Updated] Class 11 Section I Unit 2 Communication Solution Notebook

Book Soluction Nepal

Section I 

Unit 2


Ways with words

A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them in the text to solve the puzzle based on the clues given below.

Answer 👉 


1. to be preoccupied with a single topic or emotion – obsessed

3. to move slowly and quietly in a particular direction – creep

4. orderly, logical and Consistent – coherent


2. to utter rapidly or unintelligibly – babble

5. to insert something between other things – interpose

6. an unreadable handwriting – squiggle

B. Use the following words in sentences of your own.

Answer 👉 


The company had a massive increase in profits this quarter.


Her consciousness was heightened after she meditated for an hour.


He was playing catch-as-catch-can with his friends in the park.

Give up:

She was about to give up on her dreams until she received encouragement from her mentor.


He was forced to abandon his plan after the project was cancelled.


The movie was rated lousy by the critics due to its poor script.


She spent hours editing her manuscript to perfect every detail.

C. Word formation: Adjectives and Adverbs

b. Write the following words in the right columns. Change the adjectives into adverbs and nouns into adjectives.

Answer 👉 

Adjectives & Adverbs:


Nouns & Adjectives:


c. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adjective or adverb.

Answer 👉 

i. Pramila is playing quietly (quiet/quietly).

ii. Hari speaks very loudly (loud/loudly).

iii. Mukesh is a careful (careful/carefully) driver.

iv. The test was easy (easy/easily) and we finished in time.

v. He is fitting the automatic (automatic/automatically) door in my house.

vi. My uncle speaks perfect (perfect/perfectly) Chinese.

vii. It was raining very heavily (heavy/heavily).

viii. She looked very calm (calm/calmly), but I am sure she was feeling very nervous.

Answer the following questions.

a. Why is freewriting also called ‘automatic writing’?

Answer 👉 Freewriting is called "automatic writing" because it is a form of writing that is done without any self-censorship or judgment. The writer allows their thoughts and ideas to flow freely onto the page, without stopping to think about grammar, punctuation, or whether what they are writing makes sense. This is similar to the way that automatic writing can occur in a meditative or trance state.

b. How do you differentiate writing from speaking?

Answer 👉 Writing and speaking are differentiated by their mode of delivery. Writing is a permanent, tangible record of a person's thoughts, ideas, and opinions, whereas speaking is a temporary mode of communication that is delivered verbally and disappears once it is spoken. Writing allows for more careful consideration and revision of one's thoughts and ideas, whereas speaking is often more spontaneous and unscripted.

c. What is the biggest obstacles in the writing process, according to Elbow? Do you agree with him? Why? Why not?

Answer 👉  According to Peter Elbow, the biggest obstacle in the writing process is self-criticism. He believes that writers often become too focused on trying to produce perfect writing, and this can lead to writer's block and a loss of creativity. Elbow advocates for a more relaxed approach to writing, where writers allow themselves to write freely and without judgment, in order to overcome this obstacle.

I agree with Elbow's assessment of self-criticism as a major obstacle in the writing process. I think that many writers can become too focused on perfection and end up stifling their own creativity and ideas. However, I also think that it is important to balance this freedom with some degree of self-editing, in order to produce writing that is clear, concise, and effective.

d. How can freewriting overcome ‘writer’s block’?

Answer 👉 Freewriting can overcome "writer's block" by providing a way for writers to break through their self-criticism and get their ideas and thoughts down on paper. By writing freely and without judgment, writers can overcome the mental block that is preventing them from producing written work. This process of freewriting can also help to stimulate creativity and generate new ideas.

e. What do you mean by ‘voice’ in writing?

Answer 👉 "Voice" in writing refers to the writer's unique perspective, style, and tone. It is the personality and character that a writer brings to their writing, and it is what sets their writing apart from others. Voice is an important part of writing because it allows the writer to express their individuality and to connect with their readers on a personal level.

f. Elbow uses a simile to explain that freewriting “is like writing something and putting it in a bottle in the sea.” What does this mean? Explain.

Answer 👉 Elbow's simile about freewriting being "like writing something and putting it in a bottle in the sea" means that freewriting is a way of letting go of one's writing and letting it take on a life of its own. The metaphor suggests that, just as a message in a bottle can be carried away by the sea, the writer's words can be set free from the constraints of self-criticism and allowed to flow freely and naturally. The simile is meant to convey the idea that freewriting is a way of freeing oneself from the pressures of perfectionism and allowing the writing process to unfold in a more organic and natural way.

Critical thinking

a. How does the author persuade readers in this essay? What is he trying to communicate to the readers?

Answer 👉  In the essay, the author uses several persuasive strategies to communicate his message to the readers. The author uses ethos by appealing to the reader's sense of authority and credibility. He refers to his own expertise and experience in the field to lend credibility to his arguments.

The author also uses pathos by appealing to the reader's emotions. He describes the situation of the refugees in a way that evokes empathy and concern for their plight. By doing so, he aims to convince the reader that this issue is important and deserves attention.

The author also uses logos by presenting logical arguments and facts. He cites statistics and research to support his claims and demonstrate the severity of the issue. By doing so, he aims to convince the reader that the situation of the refugees is a complex and pressing problem that requires a systematic and well-informed solution.

In conclusion, the author is trying to communicate to the readers that the situation of refugees is a critical issue that requires immediate attention and action. He aims to persuade the reader to take a stance on this issue and to support efforts to improve the lives of refugees.

b. Elbow said, freewriting “is an exercise in bringing together the process of producing words and putting them down on the page.” Do you agree with his statement? Why? Why not?

Answer 👉  Yes, I agree with his statement.  Freewriting is a writing technique where one writes continuously and rapidly, without worrying about grammar, spelling, or style. The goal is to allow thoughts to flow freely onto the page, creating a stream of consciousness that can lead to new ideas and insights. By bringing together the process of producing words and putting them down on the page, freewriting encourages a focus on the act of writing itself, rather than on the end product. This can help to overcome writer's block, increase creativity, and promote self-expression. So, in that sense, Elbow's statement can be seen as a valid description of the benefits of freewriting.

c. How did you learn to write? What was particularly difficult in writing? What inspired you to write? What are some of the challenges that you still face while writing?

Answer 👉  I learn to write by practicing freewriting on different topics from my English teacher. The most difficult thing in writing for me was to start writing. I felt a lot of difficulties at the beginning. Then I started doing things repeatedly. Every time I write, the writing looked better and better. I created a blog page and write blogs daily. Written articles related to stories, reports, news etc. inspired me to write. There are some of the challenges that I still face which are as follows:

1. Grammatical errors

2. Spelling Errors

3. Lack of Ideas

4. Poor Creativity


C. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics.

a. My School Library

Answer 👉 

My school library is a place that holds a special place in my heart. It is a place where I discovered my love for books and where I learned to appreciate the beauty of words. The library has a vast collection of books, covering a wide range of subjects, from science fiction to biographies, and everything in between. The librarian is always ready to help you find the perfect book, and the cozy armchairs are perfect for curling up with a good book on a lazy afternoon. I particularly love the quiet atmosphere of the library, which allows me to concentrate and immerse myself in the world of books. Whether I need to do research for a school project, or just want to escape from reality for a while, my school library is always my first stop.

b. Moral Values I Like Most

Answer 👉 

Moral values are the foundation of a person's character and play a critical role in shaping their behavior and decision-making. Among the many moral values I hold dear, honesty stands out as the one I appreciate the most. To me, honesty is not just about telling the truth, but about being transparent and truthful in all my dealings, whether with others or myself. Honesty helps build trust and fosters strong relationships, and it also gives me the courage to stand up for what I believe in, even when it is difficult. Additionally, honesty is a value that can never be compromised, and it is one that I try to instill in others through my actions and words. Overall, honesty is a moral value that I cherish and strive to embody in my daily life.


B. Rewrite the following sentences with the adverbs in the appropriate place.

i. I watch television. (often)

Answer 👉 I often watch television.

ii. Have you been to Janakpur? (ever)

Answer 👉 Have you ever been to Janakpur.

iii. They play football on Saturday. (sometimes)

Answer 👉 They sometimes play football on Saturday.

iv. The weather is bad in November. (always)

Answer 👉 The weather is always bad in November.

v. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)

Answer 👉 We seldom have fish for dinner.

vi. Pritam doesn’t get up before seven. (usually)

Answer 👉 Pritam usually gets up after seven.

vii. I was very tired and I was hungry. (also)

Answer 👉 I was very tired and I was also hungry.

viii. Did you enjoy the flight? (both)

Answer 👉 Did you both enjjoy the flight?

C. Rewrite the following sentences placing the underlined words in the right position.

i. I never have understood her.

Answer 👉 I have never understood her.

ii. We are often invited to the parties.

Answer 👉 We are often invited to the parties.

iii. We all were tired, so we all fell asleep.

Answer 👉 We were all tired, so we all fell asleep.

iv. Rajan drives always to work.

Answer 👉 Rajan always drives to work.

v. Pradip hardly ever watches television, but he reads newspapers a lot.

Answer 👉 Pradip hardly ever watches television, but he read newspaper a lot.

vi. We enjoyed very much the party.

Answer 👉 We enjoyed the party very much.

vii. My brother speaks fluently English.

Answer 👉 My brother speaks English fluently.


A. Decide a topic of your choice for free writing exercise. Write a paragraph on the topic for five minutes. Do not stop for spelling or go back. Just write as much as you can. When you finish, you can share (verbally) what you wrote to your friends.

Answer 👉 sample is given below.

My favorite hobby is reading books. Whenever I have free time, I love to curl up with a good book and lose myself in the story. Reading is not only a form of entertainment for me, but also a way to broaden my knowledge and gain new perspectives. I love the feeling of being transported to different worlds and experiencing different cultures. The characters in books have become my friends and I often find myself thinking about them long after I've finished the book. Reading has taught me to empathize with others and to appreciate the power of words. Whether I'm reading a classic novel or a modern-day thriller, I'm always in awe of the writer's ability to create a world that I can lose myself in. I can't imagine a life without reading and I'm so grateful for the countless hours of enjoyment and enlightenment that it has brought me.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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