Class 11 English Solution Section II : Literature Unit 3 Essays, Chapter - 4 What is Poverty? guide

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 Section II : Literature

Unit 3 Essays

Class 11 English

Chapter - 4

What is Poverty?


Answer 👉 

"What is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker is an essay that provides a vivid and personal account of the author's experiences with poverty. The essay highlights the various forms of poverty, including economic, social, and psychological poverty, and it emphasizes the devastating effects that poverty can have on people's lives. The author begins by describing the poverty that she has seen in her own life, including the lack of food, clothing, and basic necessities, as well as the physical and emotional tolls that poverty can take on people.

The essay also explores the systemic and cultural causes of poverty, including lack of access to education and employment opportunities, discrimination, and the failure of government policies to address the root causes of poverty. The author argues that poverty is not just a lack of resources, but a complex and interrelated set of factors that contribute to a cycle of poverty and disadvantage.

The essay also challenges the common stereotypes and misconceptions about poverty, including the notion that people who are poor are lazy, irresponsible, or undeserving. The author points out that poverty is not a choice, but rather a circumstance that is often beyond people's control. She argues that the lack of understanding and empathy for the experiences of poverty is a major barrier to addressing the issue and creating meaningful change.

The author concludes the essay by calling for a greater understanding of the realities of poverty and a more compassionate and supportive approach to addressing the issue. She argues that poverty is not just a problem for those who are directly affected, but a problem for society as a whole, and that addressing poverty is a collective responsibility.

In conclusion, "What is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker is an insightful and powerful essay that provides a personal perspective on poverty and its effects on individuals and communities. The essay highlights the complex and interconnected nature of poverty and the need for a more compassionate and systemic approach to addressing the issue.

 Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. What is poverty according to Parker?

Answer 👉 In the essay "What is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker, poverty is defined as a state of being without the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Parker describes poverty as a lack of access to resources and opportunities, resulting in a constant struggle to survive. According to her, poverty is not just about being poor in material wealth, but also about being poor in dignity, respect, and security. Parker argues that poverty is a vicious cycle that is difficult to escape, and it is often perpetuated by societal attitudes and biases towards the poor.

b. How is poverty difficult for Parker’s children? List some specific examples.

Answer 👉 According to the essay "What is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker, poverty is a difficult reality for Parker's children. In the essay, Parker describes how poverty affects her children in various ways, including:

Hunger: Parker's children are often hungry because they cannot afford to buy enough food to meet their basic needs. This leads to malnutrition and other health problems.

Poor Housing: The family lives in a cramped, run-down house that is not fit for human habitation. This causes physical and emotional stress for Parker and her children.

Poor Education: Parker's children do not have access to quality education because they cannot afford to attend a decent school. This limits their opportunities in life and makes it difficult for them to break the cycle of poverty.

Lack of Medical Care: Parker's children do not receive proper medical care when they get sick. This can lead to long-term health problems and can put them in danger if a serious illness or injury occurs.

These are some of the specific examples of how poverty is difficult for Parker's children.

c. How does Parker try to obtain help, and what problems does she encounter?

Answer 👉 Parker tries to obtain help from various sources such as welfare and church programs but encounters obstacles such as bureaucracy, unavailability of resources, and negative attitudes from society.

d. Why are people’s opinions and prejudices her greatest obstacles?

Answer 👉 Parker finds that people's opinions and prejudices are her greatest obstacles because people judge and stereotype those in poverty, making it difficult for her to get the help she needs. Society often has a negative view of poverty and those who are struggling, making it hard for her to break free from the cycle of poverty.

e. How does Parker defend her inability to get help? How does she discount the usual solutions society has for poverty (e.g., welfare, education, and health clinics)?

Answer 👉 Jo Goodwin Parker defends her inability to get help by pointing out the limitations of society's usual solutions for poverty such as welfare, education, and health clinics. She argues that these solutions do not address the root causes of poverty, such as a lack of job opportunities and inadequate housing, and therefore do not provide a sustainable way out of poverty. Parker also highlights the stigma and shame that often accompany poverty, making it difficult for those in need to ask for help and access the resources available to them.

Reference to the context

a. Explain the following:

 Poverty is looking into a black future.

Answer 👉 In the context of the essay "What is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker, the statement "Poverty is looking into a black future" reflects the hopelessness and despair that come with living in poverty. The author uses this phrase to describe the bleak outlook and limited opportunities that individuals experiencing poverty face.

b. What does Parker mean by “The poor are always silent”?

Answer 👉 When Parker says "The poor are always silent," she is pointing out the fact that individuals living in poverty are often not given a voice or platform to share their experiences and struggles. This lack of representation and visibility contributes to the stigma and misconceptions surrounding poverty.

c. What writing strategy does the author use at the beginning of most of the paragraphs? Do you notice a recurring pattern? What is it?

Answer 👉 The author uses a descriptive writing strategy at the beginning of most paragraphs, where she paints a vivid picture of the realities of poverty. This pattern helps the reader to understand and connect with the experiences described in the essay.

d. How does Parker develop each paragraph? What details make each paragraph memorable?

Answer 👉 Parker develops each paragraph by using specific, concrete examples to illustrate the difficulties and challenges faced by those living in poverty. These details, such as the lack of proper clothing and footwear for her children, make each paragraph memorable and impactful.

e. In the final paragraph, how does the author use questions to involve the reader in the issue of poverty?

Answer 👉 In the final paragraph, Parker uses questions to challenge the reader's perspectives and engage them in the issue of poverty. She asks the reader to consider their own beliefs and assumptions about poverty and to think about what they can do to help address this issue. The use of questions helps to make the reader an active participant in the conversation and encourages them to take action.

Reference beyond the text

a. Define a social problem (homelessness, unemployment, racism) imitating Parker’s style.

Answer 👉 Homelessness is living a life without a roof over one's head. It is the emptiness of never having a place to call home, a permanent address to receive mail, or a sanctuary from the outside world. Homelessness is wandering aimlessly through the streets, sleeping in doorways, and scavenging for scraps. It is being constantly exposed to the elements, danger, and illness. Homelessness is a never-ending cycle of hopelessness and despair.

b. Using adjectives to highlight the futility of the situation, write a short definition essay on Growing up in Poverty.

Answer 👉 Growing up in poverty is a childhood without a future. It is a life marked by deprivation, struggle, and misery. Poverty is a dark shadow that looms over everything, leaving no aspect of life untouched. Growing up in poverty means never having enough of anything, from food to clothing to love. It is a constant battle for survival, a life without any sense of security or comfort. Poverty is a childhood of fear, pain, and hopelessness. It is a future without a chance, a life without any prospects. Growing up in poverty is a childhood stolen from its rightful owners.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

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Section II : Literature
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Unit - 3 Essays

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