Class - 11 Section - I Unit - 20 Science And Technology Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 11

Section - I

Unit - 20

Science And Technology

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their correct definitions.

Answer 👉 

a. Freshman: a first-year student at a university, college, or high school

b. Naive: having a lack of experience or knowledge

c. Obliviously: without conscious awareness

d. Brag: says something in a boastful manner

e. Disposal: action of throwing away something

f. Dorm: dormitory, student residence hall or building

g. Suitemate: someone who shares your bathroom/living room/kitchen

h. Incalculable: not able to be calculated or estimated

B. Replace the bold words in (a-h) selecting synonyms from the box.

Answer 👉 

a. Her story is incredible in the literal sense of the word.

b. We often read the novels of the potential writers in the world.

c. The Facebook users are fragmented but connected to each other through the Internet.

d. Sometimes unanticipated events happen in our life.

e. He paused, scrutinizing the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.

f. I am sorry to say your handwriting is indecipherable.

g. He is matured. He can navigated his own journey to make his career better.

h. Gita’s heart swelled with delight, translating her confidence into power.

C. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word given in brackets.

Answer 👉 

a. Does television affect children? (affect/effect)

b. Does television have an effect on children? (affect/effect)

c. Could you lend me your book, please? (borrow/lend)

d. Can I borrow your pen? (borrow/lend)

e. Prices seem to rise every year. (raise/rise)

f. You can raise your hand if you want to ask a question. (raise/rise)

g. What did he say to you? (say/tell)

h. I can’t speak Hindi. (speak/talk)

i. I will talk to you on the phone. (speak/talk)

j. I think that’s a very sensible idea. (sensible/sensitive)

k. My teeth are very sensitive to cold. (sensible/sensitive)

l. Our principal is a popular person. (principal/principle)

m. I couldn’t understand the principle of gravity. (principal/principle)

n. All friends, expect Nabina, came to the party. (accept/except)

o. Will you accept my request? (accept/except)

p. They were making too much noise. (noise/sound)

q. All she could hear was the sound of the waves. (noise/sound)

r. Did you give him any advice for his career? (advice/advise)

s. My parents advise me to be a teacher. (advice/advise)

Class 11 English Guide


Answer these questions.

a. Why did the author feel that she was lucky to be so naïve of her freshman year at college?

Answer 👉  The author felt that she was lucky to be so naïve of her freshman year at college because the very ignorance navigated her to the path of wealth and status. Despite of being foolish, she got an opportunity to explore new things. So she felt lucky.

b. Why did she say that she went to college in the Stone Age?

Answer 👉 Because of the stark contrast between her college experience and that of her son, she claimed to have attended college in the Stone Age. Technology wasn't being used in this way back then. She wasn't as fortunate as many are today to fully utilize mobile phones and other technology devices, unlike his kid. She claims that her time was so archaic and that she attended college in the stone age after seeing her kid use electronics and technology practically everywhere.

c. What kinds of technological tools can Hayden use at his college life unlike at his mother’s time?

Answer 👉 Hayeden exploits all available technology efficiencies to simplify his life. He makes use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Yale-specific smartphone applications.

d. How has the internet and social sites affected the lifestyle of the youths?

Answer 👉 The kids now rely on almost everything, no matter how small or significant. It has made young people's lives simpler, allowing them to forget about hardship and hard effort. Without any effort, they'll intend to carry out tasks relying on software and search engines, impeding the expansion of the skyline of thought and innovation. Social media sites have given them the chance to connect with various individuals, but because they only know each other online, they are dispersed. The true joy of exploring the real world has been lost on young people as a result of the internet and social media.

e. What things about college life will Hayden really miss unlike his mother?

Answer 👉 Hayden will miss face-to-face contacts, using his creativity and thinking skills, exploring, and learning new things in life that are different from those his mother taught him.

f. The writer says, "I worry that students today are more connected and more fragmented". Isn’t this paradoxical? How?

Answer 👉 I fear that today's students are both more linked and more dispersed, which is a pretty confusing and contradicting statement. On the surface, the contradictory statement makes no sense. However, its philosophical significance is significant on a deeper level. Apart from the statement that youngsters are connected to one another primarily by nice settings, there is no such thing as a break in affiliation. However, there is always at least one other in the actual world. They are split because they do not have a person to person relationship. There is no willingness to share the crucial moment of life with one another.

Critical thinking

a. Do you think that advancements of technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school, and block them from gaining some of life’s most memorable moments? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Answer 👉 Advancements of technology can have both positive and negative effects on a student's education and exposure to life. On one hand, technology can provide students with access to vast amounts of information, making it easier to learn and research. Online learning platforms and virtual classrooms can provide students with more flexible and convenient learning opportunities, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, technology can also distract students from focusing on their studies and limit their interaction with peers and teachers.

Technology can also create a sense of disconnection from the real world and prevent students from gaining valuable experiences and memories. For example, students may spend more time looking at screens instead of exploring the outdoors, participating in sports, or engaging in other hands-on activities. This lack of exposure to life outside of technology could potentially limit the development of important life skills and emotional intelligence.

b. Kline’s essay focuses on the contrast between her son’s freshman college experience and her own, but she also establishes what they have in common. Explain.

Answer 👉  In Kline’s essay, she focuses on the contrast between her son’s college experience and her own, but she also acknowledges what they have in common. She notes that both her son and herself faced the same challenges of adjusting to college life and navigating new surroundings. They also shared the same excitement and nervousness about starting college. Kline’s essay highlights that while technology has changed the college experience, some aspects of college life remain the same and are universal, regardless of the era.

c. Has internet aided to broadening or narrowing the critical thinking capacity of youths or readers? How?

Answer 👉 The impact of the internet on critical thinking capacity of youths and readers is a complex issue with different opinions. On one hand, the internet provides access to a wealth of information and resources, making it easier for people to research, learn, and expand their knowledge. The internet also provides a platform for open discussion and debate, encouraging critical thinking and the exchange of ideas.

On the other hand, the internet also contains a vast amount of false or misleading information, making it important for people to be able to critically evaluate the information they find online. Additionally, some people may be more likely to rely on the internet for information without checking its accuracy, leading to the development of a narrow-minded and uncritical perspective.

In conclusion, while the internet has the potential to broaden critical thinking capacity, it also has the potential to narrow it if not used effectively. It is important for individuals, especially youths and readers, to develop critical evaluation skills and to be able to assess the accuracy and credibility of information they find online.


A. Fill in the gaps with suitable articles where necessary.

Answer 👉 

a. Is he working as a university professor?

b. My younger sister watches the television a lot.


A: What did you get for your birthday?

B: I got a lot of good presents.

d. I’m going to the Dominican Republic for my winter vacation.

e. I have to go to a bank today to deposit some money.

f. Durga was injured in the accident and was taken to the nearest hospital.

g. Every parent should visit   school to meet the teachers.

h. Who is the woman in this photograph?

i. There is a piano in the corner of the room.


A: Do you think he is lying?

B: No, he’s the kind of a guy that always tells the truth.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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