Class - 12 English Unit 2 Poems Guide : Chapter - 2. Every Morning I Wake Solution

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Class - 12 English

Unit 2 Poems

Chapter - 2. Every Morning I Wake

Dylan Thomas

Every Morning I Wake

Question Answer..................

"Every Morning I Wake" is a short poem by Dylan Thomas that describes the poet's routine of waking up every morning to face the new day. The poem emphasizes the sense of repetition and routine in everyday life, as the speaker describes the familiar sights, sounds, and sensations of morning. The speaker notes the regularity of the sunrise, the sound of birds outside his window, and the cold air that greets him each day. Despite the monotony of these routine experiences, however, the poem suggests that there is something comforting and reassuring in the repetition of everyday life. The speaker seems to find solace in the fact that, no matter what challenges the day may bring, there is a certain constancy and stability in the world around him that he can rely on. The poem ends with the simple but powerful assertion that, every morning, the speaker wakes up and goes on with his life, just as he always has and always will.

Understanding the text
Answer the following questions.
a. When does the speaker pray to the Lord?
Answer 👉
The speaker prays to the Lord every morning when he wakes up.

b. What does the speaker pray for?
Answer 👉
The speaker prays for different things every day, such as protection, forgiveness, guidance, and blessings. He prays for the salvation of his soul and the souls of others, and he also prays for the welfare of his loved ones.

c. Who are the ‘poor creatures’? Why does the speaker call them ‘poor creatures’?
Answer 👉
The 'poor creatures' referred to in the poem are the animals, birds, and insects that inhabit the world along with humans. The speaker calls them 'poor creatures' because they are vulnerable and dependent on humans for their survival. The speaker is asking for God's protection and care for all living beings.

d. What does Milk Wood sound like? A type of wood or a place? Why?
Answer 👉
Milk Wood is not a type of wood but a place, a small village or town situated by the sea. The name 'Milk Wood' gives the impression of a soft, gentle, and soothing place. The speaker describes the town as a place of peace and tranquillity where the inhabitants are close to nature.

e. Why do the inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun ‘but just for now’?
 Answer 👉
The inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun 'but just for now' because they believe that the sun is a powerful force that gives life to everything on earth. By bowing to the sun, they show their respect and gratitude for its life-giving properties. However, the phrase 'but just for now' suggests that they know that the sun will rise again tomorrow, and they will have to bow again. It is a recurring ritual that they perform daily, a sign of their connection to nature and the cycles of life.

Reference to the context
a. Discuss “Every Morning When I Wake” as a prayer to God.
Answer 👉
In "Every Morning When I Wake," the speaker offers a prayer to God. The poem is a hymn-like expression of the speaker's appreciation for the natural world and the cycle of life. The speaker is thankful for the gifts of the earth and the continuity of the seasons. The prayer is a recognition of the beauty and wonder of the world and an acknowledgement of the importance of the divine in the speaker's life.

b. Why does the speaker make a prayer to God, but not to a king, a billionaire or a scientist?
Answer 👉 The speaker makes a prayer to God, but not to a king, a billionaire or a scientist because he knows well that none can be above god. The speaker prays to God because He is the ultimate being, the source of all creation, and the focal point of every religious belief. 
There are three things that he possesses in abundance: his strength, knowledge, and reality. What makes one rich, one famous, and one powerful is all due to God's grace and blessings. First and foremost, there are no permanent entities like monarchs or billionaires. There is no substitute for God's protection. God's existence is sacred; he created and saved us; we adore and rely on him; and he steers us on a straight and narrow path. Even if someone is very powerful, affluent, or intelligent, they cannot compare to God. 
As a result, we turn to him in prayer in order to obtain his mercy and favor. In the end, we're all made of bone and flesh, no matter who we are or where we come from. So the speaker goes to the deity and prays to him.

c. How does the poet highlight the magnificence of God?
Answer 👉
The poet highlights the magnificence of God by using imagery and metaphor to describe the natural world. The sun, stars, and moon are all used as examples of the power and beauty of God. The poem suggests that God is present in every aspect of the natural world, from the rising of the sun to the falling of the rain. The language of the poem is lyrical and beautiful, and the repetition of certain phrases reinforces the speaker's appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and the power of God.

d. How does the rhyme scheme of the poem reinforce its message?
Answer 👉
The rhyme scheme of the poem reinforces its message by creating a sense of harmony and continuity. The poem is divided into four stanzas, each with a similar structure and rhyme scheme. The repetition of certain phrases and the use of rhyme and alliteration create a sense of unity and continuity, which reinforces the poem's message of the continuity of life and the beauty of the natural world. The use of rhyme also creates a sense of musicality, which enhances the lyrical quality of the poem.

Reference beyond the text
a. Does God exist? Give your opinion.
Answer 👉 Yes, of course, I am a theist and I believe in God. For those who are seeking God, don't rush; God is already inside you. In my opinion, as long as you have a happy attitude and continue to do acts of kindness, you may be certain that God will reward you for them.

Despite the fact that we can't see God, we may nevertheless feel his presence in our everyday routines. The presence of God is as certain as the existence of air. We say that something isn't real because we can't see, but it doesn't make any sense. Things that are unusual and unexpected may be evidence of God's presence. Many sixth-sensors believe in a higher power. Our five senses have accustomed us only to the physical world. No one has yet seen or felt God, hence some argue he doesn't exist. Still, I have faith in him.

b. In his Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors (1768), Voltaire says, “Even if God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” Write an essay highlighting the importance of God in the society.
Answer 👉
In his Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors (1768), Voltaire says, “Even if the God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” Write an essay highlighting the importance of the God in the society. Voltaire's statement highlights the significance of God in society, regardless of whether God exists or not. The concept of God has been a central pillar of human civilization since ancient times, shaping the beliefs, values, and behaviors of individuals and communities around the world. In this essay, we will explore the importance of God in society and the various ways in which the concept of God has influenced human culture, politics, and ethics. Firstly, the idea of God has played a vital role in shaping human morality and ethics. Many religious traditions have provided a framework for ethical behavior and a sense of purpose in life. The Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity, the Five Pillars of Islam, and the Eightfold Path in Buddhism are examples of religious teachings that have influenced moral values and social norms in their respective communities. The belief in God has also provided a sense of accountability and responsibility for one's actions, as many religious traditions teach that individuals will be judged by God in the afterlife. Secondly, the concept of God has been a source of comfort and solace for many individuals and communities in times of hardship and suffering. The belief in a higher power that is benevolent and caring can provide hope and strength in the face of adversity. Many people turn to prayer and religious rituals in times of need, finding comfort and support in their faith communities. Thirdly, the concept of God has had a significant impact on art, literature, and music. Many of the world's greatest works of art and literature have been inspired by religious themes, and the concept of God has been a common motif in many cultural traditions. From Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel to Mozart's Requiem, the concept of God has been a source of inspiration and creativity for many artists and musicians. Finally, the idea of God has been a central pillar of many political and social movements throughout history. Many religious leaders have played a vital role in advocating for social justice, human rights, and peace. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States, led by Martin Luther King Jr., was inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the concept of human dignity and equality before God.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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