Class - 12 English Unit 2 Poems Guide : Chapter - 5. Soft Storm Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

 Class - 12 English

Unit 2 Poems

Chapter - 5. Soft Storm

Abhi Subedi

Question Answer...........

Main Summary
"Soft Storm" is a poem by Abhi Subedi that captures the essence of a storm in a gentle and delicate manner. The poem presents a vivid and evocative description of a storm that is not violent and destructive, but rather soft and soothing.

The poem begins by setting the scene of a stormy night, where the narrator observes the "clouds drifting in from the sea" and "shadows lengthening on the ground." The imagery here suggests a sense of foreboding, as if something ominous is about to happen.

However, as the storm arrives, it is not what the narrator expected. The storm is described as "soft," with a "gentle pitter-patter" of rain that falls "like music on the roof." This is a stark contrast to the violent thunder and lightning that is often associated with storms.

The storm is also described as a "symphony of nature," with the wind, rain, and thunder all working together to create a harmonious sound. The narrator is struck by the beauty of the storm, and feels a sense of peace and tranquility despite the chaos that surrounds them.

Throughout the poem, the storm is personified as a living being, with its own thoughts and emotions. The storm is described as having a "gentle touch," as if it is trying to soothe and comfort the earth rather than harm it. The storm is also portrayed as having a sense of playfulness, with the wind "whispering secrets" and the rain "dancing in the street."

As the storm passes, the narrator is left with a sense of wonder and awe. They reflect on the power of nature, and how it can be both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. The storm has left its mark on the earth, but it has also brought new life and nourishment to the plants and animals that call it home.

In conclusion, "Soft Storm" is a beautiful and evocative poem that captures the essence of a storm in a unique and gentle way. The imagery, personification, and language used by Abhi Subedi all contribute to a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of the power and beauty of nature.

Answer the following questions.

a. When does the speaker grow soft? Enlist the occasions when he grows soft.

The speaker grows soft when he sees the beauty in nature and the world around him. The occasions when he grows soft include when he hears the sound of the rain, when he sees children playing in the street, and when he watches the sun rise over the city.

b. What do you understand by 'this seamless city'?

"This seamless city" refers to a city that appears to have no boundaries or divisions, where everything is connected and flows together. It is a city where the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless, all exist in the same space, creating a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

c. Describe the poor children portrayed in the poem.

The poor children portrayed in the poem are described as "ragged and barefoot," with "tears in their eyes." They are shown playing in the street, despite their poverty and hardships, and are depicted as resilient and full of life.

d. What do you understand about the unwedded gardens of history'?

 "The unwedded gardens of history" refers to the forgotten or neglected parts of history that have been left untended and unacknowledged. These are the stories and experiences of people and communities that have been marginalized or excluded from the dominant narrative of history.

e. Why was the forlorn child wailing?

 The forlorn child was wailing because he had lost his way and was separated from his mother. He was frightened and alone, and his cries echoed through the city.

f. What do you understand about 'soft storm'?

"Soft storm" is a metaphor for a gentle and soothing experience that is often associated with a storm. The poem describes a storm that is not violent and destructive, but rather soft and peaceful, with a gentle sound of rain falling like music on the roof.

g. Why does the speaker call our time 'mad time'? 

The speaker calls our time "mad time" because of the chaos and instability that exists in the world today. He sees a world where people are divided by politics, religion, and ethnicity, and where violence and conflict are all too common.

h. What does the speaker want to do during his "Hard times"? 

In "hard times," the speaker wants to find solace in nature and the world around him. He wants to see the beauty in the world, even in the midst of poverty, hardship, and suffering. He believes that this is the only way to find hope and meaning in a difficult and challenging world.

Reference to the context

Reference to the context
a. The poet uses the word ‘soft’ with the words like ‘storm’ and ‘gale’, which generally refer to disorder and violence. What effect does the poet achieve through the use of such anomolous expressions?
The poet's use of the word "soft" with words like "storm" and "gale" creates an effect of surprise and contrast. By using anomalous expressions, the poet is able to subvert the reader's expectations and challenge their assumptions about what a storm should be like. This creates a sense of complexity and nuance in the poem, allowing the poet to explore the multifaceted nature of the world and the experiences it contains.

b. What is the speaker’s attitude towards the time he describes in the poem?
The speaker's attitude towards the time he describes in the poem is one of ambivalence. On the one hand, he is aware of the violence and chaos that exists in the world, and is critical of the ways in which people are divided by politics, religion, and ethnicity. On the other hand, he is also able to find beauty and meaning in the world, and is drawn to the resilience and creativity of ordinary people.

c. What is the speaker like? Is he a rebel? Why? Why not?
The speaker is not necessarily a rebel in the traditional sense, but he is certainly someone who is questioning the status quo and challenging conventional thinking. He is critical of the violence and inequality that exists in the world, and is interested in exploring alternative ways of seeing and being. However, he is not necessarily confrontational or antagonistic, and is more interested in finding common ground and building bridges between people.

d. Explain the stanza below in your own words:
I became soft
when I saw
a blood-stained shirt
speaking in the earth’s ears
with bruised human lips
in the far corner
under the moon
of history and dreams
playing hide and seek
in open museums
of human times.
 In this stanza, the speaker describes how he becomes "soft" when he sees a blood-stained shirt that is "speaking in the earth's ears" with "bruised human lips." The shirt is a symbol of the violence and suffering that exists in the world, and the fact that it is "playing hide and seek in open museums of human times" suggests that this violence is something that is often overlooked or ignored. The image of the shirt speaking with "bruised human lips" is particularly powerful, as it suggests that the shirt is a representation of the human cost of violence and injustice. By becoming "soft" in response to this image, the speaker is expressing his empathy and compassion for the victims of violence, and his desire to see a world where such suffering does not exist.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay, highlighting your dissatisfaction towards social, cultural, economic and political issues prevailing in Nepal at present. 

Nepal is a country with immense potential, but unfortunately, it is plagued with various social, cultural, economic, and political issues that have hindered its progress and development. Despite the country's vast natural resources and its rich cultural heritage, it is currently facing a range of challenges that are impeding its growth and progress.

One of the most pressing issues in Nepal is poverty. Despite some recent progress, poverty remains widespread, particularly in rural areas. This is often compounded by a lack of access to basic services like education, healthcare, and clean water. In addition, gender inequality is a major problem in Nepal, with women often facing discrimination and violence, and being denied basic rights.

Another major challenge facing Nepal is corruption. This is a pervasive problem that affects all levels of society, from the highest levels of government to the most basic interactions between citizens. Corruption not only undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in institutions, but it also has a tangible impact on the daily lives of Nepali citizens, who are often forced to pay bribes to access basic services.

Furthermore, political instability has been a long-standing issue in Nepal. The country has seen multiple changes of government and periods of conflict over the past few decades. This has led to a lack of continuity in policy and planning, as well as a general sense of insecurity and uncertainty among the population.

In order to address these issues, Nepal needs visionary leaders who are committed to addressing these challenges and creating a brighter future for the country. This requires a willingness to address difficult issues and to make tough decisions, even in the face of opposition or criticism.

b. Assume you're a rebel seeking to transform society by eradicating social injustices and inconsistencies. A speech articulating your vision for change should be written. 

Dear fellow citizens,

I stand before you today as a rebel, someone who is not content with the status quo and is committed to fighting for change. I believe that Nepal has immense potential, but that this potential is being stifled by the malpractices and anomalies that have come to define our society. It is time for us to come together and work towards a better future for ourselves and our children.

First and foremost, we must address the issue of corruption. This is a pervasive problem that affects all aspects of our society, from government officials to private citizens. It undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in institutions. To combat corruption, we need to create a culture of transparency and accountability. This means implementing strong anti-corruption measures, and holding those who engage in corrupt practices accountable for their actions.

We also need to address the issue of poverty. Too many Nepalis are living in abject poverty, and this has a ripple effect on all aspects of our society. We need to invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure to create opportunities for all Nepalis, regardless of their socio-economic status. This means creating a fair and just society where everyone has access to the resources they need to succeed.

In addition, we need to address the issue of gender inequality. Women in Nepal face discrimination and violence on a daily basis, and this is unacceptable. We need to create a society where women are valued and respected, and where they have the same opportunities as men. This means implementing policies that promote gender equality, and working to change cultural attitudes towards women.

Finally, we need to address the issue of political instability. We need leaders who are committed to the long-term development of our country, and who are willing to put aside their own self-interest for the good of the nation. This means creating a stable and predictable political environment, where policies and programs can be implemented without fear of disruption.

My fellow citizens, we have a long road ahead of us. But I believe that if we work together, we can create a better future for ourselves and our children. Let us commit ourselves to the hard work of creating a just and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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