Class - 12 English Unit 4 One-act Plays Guide : Chapter - 3. The Bull Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 12 English

Unit 4 One-act Plays

Chapter - 3. The Bull

Bhimnidhi Tiwari


"The Bull" is a Nepali poem written by Bhimnidhi Tiwari. The poem describes the struggle of a bull, who is used to plough the field and is treated cruelly by its owner. The bull is depicted as a hardworking and loyal animal that continues to work despite its exhaustion and injuries. The poem highlights the theme of social inequality and the exploitation of the weaker sections of society. The bull represents the laboring class and the unjust treatment it receives from the upper class. The poem conveys a message of empathy and the need to end the practice of oppression and exploitation. The imagery used in the poem is vivid and intense, evoking strong emotions in the reader. Overall, the poem is a powerful critique of the social system and an appeal for justice and equality.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Why have Gore and Jitman come to see Laxminarayan?

Answer 👉 Gore and Jitman have come to see Laxminarayan because they have been sent by the king. They want to take Laxminarayan’s bull, Male, for the bullfight at the festival in Bhaktapur.

b. What, according to cowherds, is the reason behind the death of Male?

Answer 👉  According to cowherds, the reason behind the death of Male is his separation from his herd and also the ill-treatment he received during his journey.

c. Why does Ranabahadur want to see the bull himself?

Answer 👉 Ranabahadur wants to see the bull himself to make sure that he is the strongest and bravest bull for the bullfight.

d. Why does Laxminarayan run ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gauchar?

Answer 👉 Laxminarayan runs ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gauchar because he wants to see his bull Male for the last time. He knows that once he hands over the bull to the authorities, he will never see it again.

e. Why do Gore and Jitman cry when the king declares that Male is dead?

Answer 👉 Gore and Jitman cry when the king declares that Male is dead because they are afraid of the consequences. They are worried about what the king will do to them because they failed to bring the bull for the bullfight.

f. How do we learn that the bull is dead?

Answer 👉 The bull is declared dead when the king’s men go to Laxminarayan’s house to collect the bull for the bullfight, but they find it lying dead in the shed.

g. How does the play make a satire on the feudal system?

Answer 👉 The play makes a satire on the feudal system by showing the oppression of the lower class by the higher class. The bullfight is a symbol of the cruel and barbaric feudal system where the powerful exploit the weak.

h. Write down the plot of the play in a paragraph.

Answer 👉 The play revolves around a bull named Male, owned by Laxminarayan, a poor peasant. The bull is famous for its strength and courage. Gore and Jitman come to Laxminarayan to take Male to the bullfight. After the bull is taken, Laxminarayan realizes that it will never come back. The bull dies during the journey, but the king’s men lie about it to save themselves from punishment. The play highlights the struggle of the poor against the powerful feudal system.

 Reference to the context

a. Discuss the late eighteenth-century Nepali society as portrayed in terms of the relation between the king and his subjects as portrayed in the play.

Answer 👉 The play, The Bull, gives us an insight into the late eighteenth-century Nepali society. The relation between the king and his subjects was portrayed as one of exploitation and subjugation. The king was considered the ultimate authority, and the common people had no right to question his authority. The king, in turn, was supposed to protect and provide for his subjects, but in reality, the situation was quite different. The king was more interested in his personal pleasure than the welfare of his subjects. The play shows how the king and his officials took advantage of the common people, who had no power to resist.

b. What does the relation between Laxminarayan and his wives tell us about the society of that time? To what extent has the Nepali society changed since then?

Answer 👉  The relation between Laxminarayan and his wives gives us an idea of the social norms and values prevalent in the Nepali society of that time. Laxminarayan is shown to be a man who is heavily invested in his status and reputation in the society. He has two wives, one of whom he keeps hidden from the public view because he is ashamed of her looks. This indicates that physical appearance played an important role in the selection of a spouse in the Nepali society of that time. Laxminarayan also treats his wives as property, which is evident from the fact that he considers selling them to Ranabahadur for money. The Nepali society has changed significantly since then, and women are no longer considered the property of men. The society has become more inclusive, and women have a more active role in decision-making.

c. Shed light on the practice of chakari as portrayed in the play. Have you noticed this practice in your society?

Answer 👉  The play highlights the practice of chakari, which was prevalent in the Nepali society of that time. Chakari was a system of forced labor in which people were required to work for the king or his officials without any payment. The play shows how Laxminarayan and his men force the cowherds to work for them without any remuneration. This practice was common in the feudal societies of that time, and it shows how the powerful exploited the weak for their own benefit. Although chakari is no longer prevalent in the Nepali society, other forms of forced labor still exist in many parts of the world.

d. How does Laxminarayan outsmart Ranabahadur?

Answer 👉 Laxminarayan is a shrewd man who outsmarts Ranabahadur by using his wit and intelligence. Laxminarayan makes a deal with Ranabahadur to sell Male, the bull, to him for a hefty sum. However, he manages to sell a different bull to Ranabahadur, convincing him that it is Male. He then uses the money to buy back Male and save his honor. This shows that Laxminarayan is a man of great intelligence and resourcefulness.

e. Sketch the character of Laxminarayan.

Answer 👉  Laxminarayan is a complex character who is driven by his desire for social status and prestige. He is portrayed as a cunning and manipulative man who is willing to use any means to achieve his goals. He is also a loving and caring father who is deeply attached to Male, the bull. Laxminarayan's character is a reflection of the Nepali society of that time, which was marked by a strong emphasis on social status and prestige. His love for Male shows that people had a close relationship with their domesticated animals, and they were an important part of their lives.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay in about 300 words on “The Nepali Society: Past, Present and Future”.

Answer 👉  

The Nepali Society: Past, Present and Future

The Nepali society has undergone a significant transformation over the years. The past was marked by a feudal system, where the king was the supreme authority, and the subjects were expected to serve and obey him. The society was hierarchical, with a rigid caste system, and women were denied equal rights and opportunities. The people were divided, and conflicts were common. The present, however, is marked by a growing awareness of human rights and social justice. The Nepali society has become more democratic and open, with an emphasis on equality, diversity, and inclusivity. Women have broken the glass ceiling and made significant contributions to various fields. Technology and globalization have also brought new opportunities and challenges. The future holds the promise of even greater progress and prosperity, with more emphasis on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. However, there are also challenges to be faced, such as poverty, corruption, political instability, and environmental degradation. It is crucial for the Nepali society to address these challenges and work towards a more just, peaceful, and prosperous future.

b. In his “Satire 9”, Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux says:

But satire, ever moral, ever new

Delights the reader and instructs him, too.

She, if good sense, refine her sterling page,

Oft shakes some rooted folly of the age.

Do you agree with the poet? Discuss the lines with reference to Bhimnidhi Tiwari’s play “The Bull”.

Answer 👉  In his “Satire 9”, Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux emphasizes the role of satire in highlighting the follies and vices of the society. He argues that satire, if well-crafted, can not only entertain the reader but also educate and enlighten them. The lines are applicable to Bhimnidhi Tiwari’s play “The Bull”, which is a satire on the feudal system prevalent in the Nepali society of the late eighteenth century. The play exposes the cruelty, corruption, and irrationality of the system and shows how it oppresses and exploits the common people. Through the character of Laxminarayan, the play also criticizes the patriarchal mindset and the practice of polygamy, which was common at that time. Tiwari uses humor, irony, and sarcasm to convey his message and to inspire his readers to reflect on the issues raised in the play. Thus, the play fulfills the criteria of a good satire, as it not only entertains but also enlightens the readers and challenges the status quo.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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