Class - 12 Unit 4 One-act Plays Guide : Chapter - 1 A Matter of Husbands Solution

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Class - 12

Unit 4 One-act Plays

Chapter - 1 A Matter of Husbands

Ferenc Molnar



"A Matter of Husbands" is a short play written by Ferenc Molnar and translated by Benjamin Glazer. The play centers around a young couple, Helene and Paul, who are married but have grown tired of each other. When Helene receives a letter from a former lover, she convinces Paul to pretend to be her brother so that she can meet with her ex-lover without arousing suspicion.

Things quickly become complicated when Paul's own former lover, Juliette, arrives unexpectedly, and he is forced to pretend that she is his sister. The play follows the comic and farcical events that ensue as the two couples try to keep up their respective deceptions.

Throughout the play, Molnar uses witty dialogue and clever plotting to explore themes of marriage, love, and infidelity. The play ultimately suggests that while love and marriage can be difficult and complicated, they are also necessary and worth fighting for.

Overall, "A Matter of Husbands" is a humorous and entertaining play that offers a lighthearted look at the complexities of relationships and the lengths that people will go to in order to preserve them.

Answer the following questions.
a. What favour does Earnest Young Woman ask from The Famous Actress?
Answer 👉  In the play "A Matter of Husbands", the Earnest Young Woman asks a favor from the Famous Actress, whom her husband admires greatly. She wants the Famous Actress to pretend to be her friend so that she can lure her husband back into her arms.

b. What, according to The Earnest Young Woman, are the indications that her husband has fallen in love with Famous Actress?
Answer 👉 According to the Earnest Young Woman, her husband's sudden interest in the theatre, his new suit, and his tendency to be away from home for long periods are indications that he has fallen in love with the Famous Actress.

c. Is Earnest Young Woman convinced by the argument of Famous Actress? How?
Answer 👉 At first, the Earnest Young Woman is not convinced by the argument of the Famous Actress that her husband is not in love with her. But after some persuading and reasoning, the Famous Actress manages to convince her that her husband still loves her.

d. Where is the Earnest Young Woman’s husband hiding himself as they are talking about him?
Answer 👉 As they are talking about him, the Earnest Young Woman's husband is hiding behind a couch, listening to their conversation.

e. When do you feel that Famous Actress is really good at acting?
Answer 👉  The Famous Actress is really good at acting when she pretends to be the Earnest Young Woman's friend and lures her husband back to her.

f. How do we come to know that Famous Actress and the husband of Earnest Young Woman are in love?
Answer 👉 We come to know that the Famous Actress and the husband of the Earnest Young Woman are in love when they both reveal their feelings for each other towards the end of the play.

g. Write down the plot of the play in a paragraph. 
Answer 👉  "A Matter of Husbands" is a comedic play that revolves around a young couple, Helene and Paul, who have grown tired of each other. When Helene receives a letter from a former lover, she convinces Paul to pretend to be her brother so that she can meet with her ex-lover without arousing suspicion. Things become complicated when Paul's own former lover, Juliette, arrives unexpectedly, and he is forced to pretend that she is his sister. The play follows the comic and farcical events that ensue as the two couples try to keep up their respective deceptions, and ultimately culminates in the revelation that the Famous Actress and the husband of the Earnest Young Woman are in love.

Reference to the context
a. Sketch the character of Famous Actress.
Answer 👉   Famous Actress is a confident and manipulative woman who is used to getting what she wants. She is a skilled actress and is able to convince Earnest Young Woman that she is not having an affair with her husband, despite the fact that they are in love.

b. Shed light on the difference between an ordinary woman and an actress.
Answer 👉   According to Famous Actress, the difference between an ordinary woman and an actress is that the actress has a special ability to make men fall in love with her. This is because she is able to project different personalities and emotions on stage, which makes her seem more attractive and interesting.

c. According to Famous Actress, men associated with theatre use the theatre actresses to make their estranged wives jealous so as to woo them back. Do you agree with her argument? Why? Why not?
Answer 👉  Whether or not one agrees with Famous Actress's argument that men associated with theatre use actresses to make their estranged wives jealous depends on the specific circumstances. While it is certainly possible that some men might do this, it is also possible that they are genuinely in love with the actresses. Additionally, it is important to note that this argument is being made by Famous Actress as a way to defend herself against accusations of infidelity.

d. How does Famous Actress make a fool of Earnest Young Woman?
Answer 👉   Famous Actress makes a fool of Earnest Young Woman by convincing her that she is not having an affair with her husband, despite the fact that they are in love. She does this by playing on Earnest Young Woman's insecurities and making her believe that her husband is not interested in her.

e. The conversation between the two women takes place on the stage of the theatre. What role does the theatre house as a part of setting play in A Matter for Husband?
Answer 👉   The theatre house plays an important role in the setting of A Matter for Husband. The fact that the conversation between the two women takes place on the stage of the theatre emphasizes the theme of acting and deception that runs throughout the play.

f. What do you think about the ending of the play?
Answer 👉   The ending of the play is somewhat ambiguous. While it is clear that Famous Actress and Earnest Young Woman's husband are in love, it is not clear what will happen to them in the future. The fact that they are both actors suggests that they may continue to deceive and manipulate each other in the future, which leaves the audience with a sense of unease.

Reference beyond the text
a. Write a paragraph describing your favourite actor/actress.
Answer 👉  My favorite actress is Viola Davis. She is an incredibly talented actress who has received numerous awards and accolades for her work on stage and on screen. I admire her for her powerful performances and her ability to bring complex characters to life. She is also an activist for social justice causes and uses her platform to speak out on issues of inequality and injustice.

b. John Cassavetes says, “I’m very worried about the depiction of women on the screen. It’s gotten worse than ever and it’s related to their being either high- or low-class concubines . . . . There’s nothing to do with the dreams of women, or of woman as the dream, nothing to do with the quirky part of her, the wonder of her.” How do you assess Famous Actress in the light of Cassavetes’ argument about the portrayal of women?
Answer 👉   In light of Cassavetes' argument about the portrayal of women on screen, Famous Actress can be seen as a representation of the problematic depiction of women as high-class concubines. She is a talented actress who is used by men for their own purposes, rather than being a fully realized character with her own agency and dreams. She is also complicit in this system, using her beauty and charm to manipulate men and maintain her position in the theatre world. While her character is certainly interesting and complex, it can be argued that she represents the ways in which women are often reduced to one-dimensional stereotypes in film and other media. Cassavetes' argument calls for a more nuanced and authentic portrayal of women, one that acknowledges their complexity and individuality, and resists reducing them to mere objects of desire.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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