Unit 10 Career Opportunities Guide : Class 12 English Solution I

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit 10
Career Opportunities

Answer Sheets ....

Presenting Yourself

Working with words

A. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box below.

position redundant professional referee verification consultant competence opportunity imperative achievement

a. You must learn about 2000 Kanji to develop competence in spoken Japanese language.

b. I can type both English and Nepali but not as fast as professional typists.

c. When she was in class eight, she got the opportunity to participate in a national painting competition.

d. The Prime Minister gave a long list of his achievements.

e. He spent many years in jail before reaching the position of a minister. 

f. About fifty workers were made redundant because of the financial crisis in the factory.

g. He is affiliated to the World Bank as a senior consultant.

h. They registered my application after making verification of my documents.

i. I requested my teacher to be my referee in my CV.

j. To make our country self-sustained in food production is an imperative need at present.

B. Define the following employment-related terms and use them in the sentences of your own.

Volunteering : Volunteering is the act of donating one's time and skills for the benefit of an organization or community without receiving any monetary compensation.
Example: I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter every weekend for the past six months.

On the job training : 

On-the-job training is a type of training that takes place in the workplace and helps employees acquire the skills and knowledge they need to perform their job effectively.
Example: The new sales representative will undergo on-the-job training to learn how to use the company's software and understand its sales process.

career opportunity: 

A career opportunity is a chance for someone to pursue a career in a field they are interested in and develop their skills in that area.
Example: Working at this technology company has given me the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technologies and work on exciting projects.

skill development:

Skill development refers to the process of improving one's abilities and acquiring new skills.
Example: The company offers various training programs to support employees in their skill development and career growth.


An apprenticeship is a system of training in which a novice learns a trade by working with a skilled practitioner.
Example: My brother is doing an apprenticeship in carpentry, where he is learning practical skills on the job while attending technical classes.

career counseling:

Career counselling is a process that helps individuals identify their strengths and interests and guides them in making informed decisions about their career paths.
Example: The career counselling session helped me to identify my interests and align them with a suitable career path.


Credentials refer to qualifications, certifications, or achievements that demonstrate a person's competence in a particular field.
Example: The job posting requires candidates to have a Bachelor's degree and relevant work credentials.

human capital: 

Human capital is the knowledge, skills, and experience possessed by an individual that can be utilized to create economic value.
Example: The company's success is based on its ability to attract and retain talented employees, who are its most valuable human capital.


An internship is a temporary position where a student or recent graduate works in a company or organization to gain practical experience.
Example: I'm doing an internship at a marketing firm to gain practical experience and apply the skills I learned in college.

Soft skills: 

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how people interact with others, including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
Example: The company places a strong emphasis on soft skills when hiring employees as they play a crucial role in maintaining a positive work culture.

minimum wage: 

The minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate that employers are required to pay their employees by law.
Example: The government recently increased the minimum wage to provide better financial support for low-income workers.


The minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate that employers are required to pay their employees by law.
Example: The government recently increased the minimum wage to provide better financial support for low-income workers.

role model: 

A role model is someone who is admired for their behavior, achievements, or positive qualities and serves as an example to others.
Example: My mother is my role model as she has always been a strong and independent woman who has worked hard to achieve her goals.


Aptitude is a natural ability or talent for a particular type of activity or skill.
Example: Her aptitude for problem-solving and critical thinking makes her a great fit for the consulting industry.


Assessment is the process of evaluating and measuring a person's knowledge, skills, or abilities.
Example: The company conducted a skills assessment to identify areas where employees could benefit from additional training and support.

C. Based on their pronunciation, divide the following words into two groups so that the vowel sounds rhyme with here and hare.

Here =Fear, beer, ear, leer, cheer, sheer, shear, tear (n.), mere, deer, dear, clear, sneer, gear 

Hare = Fare, fair, bear, bare, care, heir, air, share, lair, chair, share, tear (v.), mare, dare, snare 


Answer the following questions.

a. What does a cV mean and why is it important in one's career?

A CV, or curriculum vitae, is a document that provides an overview of a person's education, work experience, skills, and achievements. It is important in one's career because it is often the first impression that potential employers have of a candidate, and it can determine whether or not they are invited for an interview.

b. Does the same CV work for all job opportunities? Why or why not?

No, the same CV does not work for all job opportunities. Each job opportunity may have different requirements, and a CV should be tailored to highlight the relevant skills and experiences for that particular job.

c. What are the different areas where CV can help you?

A CV can help in various areas, including getting a job, applying for further education or training, building a professional network, and showcasing one's achievements and skills.

d. What do you mean by 'staying CV' and 'leaving CV'? Which one would you develop for yourself as a freshman?

A "staying CV" is a document that is continuously updated throughout a person's career, while a "leaving CV" is a final version that is used when leaving a job. As a freshman, it is advisable to develop a "staying CV" to keep track of your experiences, skills, and achievements as you progress in your career.

e. How can you draft a good CV?

o draft a good CV, one should begin by clearly identifying the purpose of the document and the target audience. It is important to include relevant information such as education, work experience, skills, and achievements, and to tailor the CV to the specific job or opportunity. The CV should be well-organized and visually appealing, and should be proofread carefully for errors.

f. What is the difference between academic CV and non-academic CV? 

 An academic CV focuses on one's academic achievements, publications, research, and teaching experience, while a non-academic CV highlights work experience, skills, and achievements in a non-academic context. An academic CV is typically longer and more detailed, while a non-academic CV may be more concise and focused on skills and achievements that are relevant to a particular job or industry.

Critical thinking

a. CV may not represent a person’s skills and abilities accurately because one’s confidence cannot be rendered in a paper. What do you think employers should do to find the best people for the job?
While it is true that a CV may not represent a person's skills and abilities accurately, it is still an important tool for employers to use when looking for potential candidates. However, there are other ways for employers to find the best people for the job, even beyond what is listed on a CV.

One approach that employers can take is to utilize different types of interviews to get a more complete picture of a candidate's skills and abilities. Behavioral interviews, for example, can give employers insight into a candidate's past experiences and how they handled different situations. Skills-based interviews can be used to test a candidate's abilities in a more practical setting. Additionally, employers can utilize job simulations or work samples to get an even better understanding of a candidate's skills and abilities.

Another approach that employers can take is to look beyond a candidate's CV and focus on their potential for growth and development. This can involve assessing a candidate's willingness to learn and adapt, as well as their overall attitude and work ethic. Employers can also consider factors such as a candidate's personality and cultural fit, as these can be just as important as their technical skills.

Ultimately, the best way for employers to find the best people for the job is to utilize a variety of tools and techniques to assess candidates' skills, abilities, and potential for growth. While a CV may be a useful starting point, it should not be the only factor that is considered.

b. If the employers provide job opportunities by assessing one’s CV, how can fresh graduates compete with the experienced competitors?

 It can be challenging for fresh graduates to compete with more experienced candidates when it comes to job opportunities that are assessed based on CVs. However, there are several things that fresh graduates can do to increase their chances of success.

First and foremost, fresh graduates can focus on building their skills and experience through internships, volunteer work, and other extracurricular activities. This can help to make up for their lack of professional experience and demonstrate their willingness to learn and grow.

Fresh graduates can also focus on highlighting their transferable skills on their CV, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. These are skills that are valuable in many different job settings, and can help to demonstrate a candidate's potential for success.

Another approach that fresh graduates can take is to network as much as possible. This can involve reaching out to alumni from their school, attending job fairs and networking events, and connecting with professionals in their desired field through social media. By building a strong network, fresh graduates can increase their chances of being referred for job opportunities and getting their foot in the door.

Overall, while it can be challenging for fresh graduates to compete with more experienced candidates, there are steps they can take to increase their chances of success. By focusing on building their skills and experience, highlighting their transferable skills, and networking as much as possible, fresh graduates can position themselves as strong candidates for any job opportunity.


A. Study the following advertisement. Write an application for one of the positions. Prepare your CV too that suits the job. 

 Job Advertisement:

Position: Marketing Executive
Location: Sydney, Australia

We are looking for a highly motivated Marketing Executive to join our team. The candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in marketing, at least 3 years of relevant experience in marketing, excellent communication skills, and a good understanding of the latest marketing trends. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and executing marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and developing marketing strategies.

To apply, send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] by the 30th of March 2023.


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Executive position at your company. As a highly motivated individual with a bachelor's degree in marketing and over 4 years of experience in the field, I believe that my skills and experience align well with the requirements of this role.

I have a proven track record of developing and executing successful marketing campaigns for various organizations, resulting in increased brand awareness and sales. My experience in conducting market research, analyzing data, and developing marketing strategies has allowed me to understand the latest marketing trends and adapt to changing market conditions.

In my previous roles, I have developed excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enabling me to work collaboratively with colleagues and clients. I am confident that my experience and expertise will enable me to make a significant contribution to your organization.

Please find my attached CV and cover letter for your consideration. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.


[Your Name]


[Your Name]
[Phone number]

A highly motivated Marketing Executive with over 4 years of experience in planning and executing successful marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and developing marketing strategies. Possesses a bachelor's degree in marketing and excellent communication skills.

Work Experience:

Marketing Executive
ABC Corporation
Jan 2019 - Present
-Developed and executed successful marketing campaigns for various clients, resulting in increased brand awareness and sales.
-Conducted market research, analyzed data, and developed marketing strategies.
-Collaborated with colleagues and clients to achieve marketing objectives.

Marketing Coordinator
XYZ Company
Oct 2016 - Dec 2018
-Assisted in planning and executing marketing campaigns.
-Conducted market research and analyzed data.
-Assisted in the development of marketing strategies.


Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
University of Sydney
2015 - 2019

-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
-Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
-Proficient in Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
-Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and clients.


Conditional sentences

Present SImple - Will/can/must

Past Simple- would/could/should…

Past perfect - would have / could have ….

B. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs.

a. If you sell your stocks now, you won’t get much money for them. (not/get)

b. A lot of people would lose their jobs if the factory closed down. (close down)

c. Our country won’t have to export wheat if it rains in November and February. (rain)

d. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life. (find)

e. If he had not been wearing a helmet, he could have been seriously injured. 

f. Unless you follow the instructions, you will not pass the exams. (not/pass)

g. I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather is fine. (be)

h. The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral. (deposit)

i. What would you have been doing if you had not got this job? (you/do)

j. If you had the choice, where would you have lived? (you/live)

C. Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example.

Example: I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry.

I would have gone to a restaurant if I had been hungry.

a. The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened. 

If the driver had not been talking on the phone, the accident would not have happened. 

b. There is no one at home because all the lights are off. 

There would be someone at home if all the lights were not off. 

If there was someone at home, all the lights wouldn't be off. 

c. He must be an educated person because he has subscribed 'The Kathmandu Post.' 

He mustn't be an educated person if he had not subscribed 'The Kathmandu Post.' 

If he was an educated person, he would have subscribed 'The Kathmandu Post.' 

d. His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on. 

His head would have been injured in the accident if he had not put the helmet on.

e. I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends. 

I am sure he would not have passed the exam if he hadn't given a heavy treat to his friends. 

f. You didn't take any breakfast so you are hungry now. 

If you had taken some breakfast, you would not be hungry now. 

g. I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown. 

I am sure he wouldn't be a doctor if he was not wearing the white gown. 

h. She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes. 

If she was not very rich, she would not be driving a Mercedes. 

i. I didn't know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride. 

If I had known it was only a half kilometer from my house, I would not have booked a ride. 

j. He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh. 

If he had not hidden anything in his mind, he would look fresh.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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