Unit 7 Humour Guide : Class 12 English Humour Solution Section I

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit 7 Humour

Answer Sheets...

Working with words

A. The following words are synonyms and antonyms of the verb ‘laugh’. Group them into synonyms and antonyms.
Answer 👉 

chuckle, giggle, chortle, crackle, snicker, groan, smirk, whoop

grin, sob, grimace, frown, pout, scowl, cry, moan

B. Match the following emotions with their definitons.
Answer 👉 

a. fear
an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm

b. anger
a strong feeling of displeasure

c. surprise
an unexpected event, fact, etc.

d. disgust
a feeling of strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant

e. sadness
affected with grief or unhappiness

f. happiness
a pleasurable or satisfying experience

g. relief
removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing

h. triumph
a great victory or achievement

i. contentment
the quality or state of being satisfied 


A. Complete the following sentences with words/ phrases from the text.
Answer 👉 

a. According to Sophie Scott, laughter is one of the important and misunderstood behaviours.
b. After her study in Namibia, Scott came to the realization that laughter is one of our richest vocal tics.
c. Studies have shown that there are six universal emotions across cultures based on facial expressions.
d. Scott found out that most of the laughs have nothing to do with humour.
e. The couples who laugh at each other are likely to stay together for longer.
f. The primary way of communication of grown up people is laughing.
g. Comedians usually find it easier to work in larger places due to the contagious nature of laughter.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. Why do people giggle at someone’s pain or suffering?
 People may giggle at someone's pain or suffering as a way to release tension or discomfort, to distance themselves from the situation, or due to a lack of empathy.

b. What did Scott’s study in Namibia come up with?
Scott's study in Namibia found that laughter is a universal language, used in social bonding across different cultures and languages.

c. How is laughter a social bonding?
 Laughter can be a social bonding tool as it helps to build and strengthen relationships, reduce tension, and create a positive atmosphere.

d. According to the author, what role does laughter play in husband-wife relationship?
According to the author, laughter can help build intimacy, reduce conflict, and create positive memories in a husband-wife relationship.

e. How does laughter work as a painkiller?
Laughter works as a painkiller by triggering the release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that reduce pain and promote a sense of well-being.

f. What did the study find about the relation between laughter and brain?
A study found that laughter activates several regions of the brain, including those involved in emotion, reward, and motor function.

g. What are two emotions that the author associates with infants and adults?
Crying and laughter are two emotions that the author associates with infants and adults.

h. How does a stand-up comedian take the audience’s laughter?
A stand-up comedian takes the audience's laughter as a sign of success and engagement, as laughter indicates that the audience is enjoying the performance.

i. Show the relation between laughter and crowd.
Laughter can be contagious, and a crowd's laughter can create a positive feedback loop that amplifies the laughter and creates a shared experience.

j. What does the author mean when he says “there is always a meaning to it?”
When the author says "there is always a meaning to it," they mean that laughter is a complex behavior with multiple functions and can have different meanings depending on the context in which it occurs.

Critical thinking

a. Do you agree that ‘the couples, who laugh together, stay together?’ Is it important for married couples to have the same sense of humour? Why?
Answer 👉 
Yes, While sharing a sense of humor can be a positive factor in a marriage, it is not necessarily a requirement for a successful relationship. It's possible for couples to have different senses of humor and still maintain a healthy and loving partnership. What's more important is that both partners are willing to support each other, listen to each other, and find ways to connect and have fun together.

b. Some people believe that sometimes crying is good for health. Do you believe it? Give your reasons.
Answer 👉 
Crying can be beneficial for mental health as it is a natural emotional release. It helps individuals to process and deal with emotions that are difficult to express through words. However, excessive crying or prolonged periods of sadness can be a sign of depression or other mental health issues. So, it's essential to acknowledge and understand the reasons behind the tears and seek help if necessary. Therefore, crying can be good for health in moderation as it provides emotional release, but if it becomes a chronic or persistent problem, then it may indicate an underlying issue that requires attention.

A. Write a paragraph narrating an event from your life when you were involved in contagious laughter.
Answer 👉 
 I remember one time when I was in high school and my friend and I were sitting in class trying to study for an upcoming exam. We were both feeling the pressure of the test and trying to review our notes, but we just couldn't concentrate. Then, out of nowhere, my friend made a silly face and I burst out laughing. I don't even remember what was so funny about it, but we couldn't stop giggling. Soon, our classmates around us started laughing too, even though they didn't know what was so funny. It was like the laughter was contagious and we were all caught up in it. We must have laughed for a good 10 minutes and it felt like such a release from the stress we had been feeling.

B. Write a description of your favourite comedian explaining his/her personality, acting, performance and uniqueness.

Charlie Chaplin
Answer 👉 My favourite comedian is John Mulaney, a talented American stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. John Mulaney has a unique sense of humour, which is witty, clever, and observational. His performances are not only entertaining but also relatable, as he often talks about his own experiences and personal life. Mulaney's comedy is filled with pop culture references, musical numbers, and hilarious stories about his childhood.

Mulaney's performances are always polished and professional, with excellent timing and delivery. He has a way of drawing his audience in with a charming and innocent persona, only to surprise them with outrageous jokes and punchlines. Mulaney is also known for his clean and family-friendly comedy, which is a breath of fresh air in an era where most comedians resort to profanity and vulgarity to get laughs.

What makes Mulaney truly unique is his ability to take mundane or awkward situations and turn them into hilarious stories. He has a talent for finding the absurd in everyday life and bringing it to light in a humorous way. Mulaney's self-deprecating humour and charming personality make him a fan favourite, and he has gained a huge following in recent years.

In addition to his stand-up comedy, Mulaney is also a successful writer, having worked on popular television shows such as "Saturday Night Live" and "Big Mouth." He has a natural talent for storytelling, and his work always has a relatable and entertaining quality.

In summary, John Mulaney is a talented and unique comedian who stands out in the world of stand-up comedy. His witty humour, relatable stories, and polished performances make him a joy to watch. His clean and family-friendly comedy is refreshing in today's world, and his charming personality has earned him a devoted fanbase.


B. Put the frequency adverbs in appropriate place and rewrite the following sentences.

a. I forget to do my homework. (sometimes)
Sometimes I forget to do my homework.

b. My father has touched an alcoholic drink in his life. (never)
My father has never touched an alcoholic drink in his life.

c. My father goes for a walk on Saturdays. (often)
My father often goes for a walk on Saturdays.

d. We go to the movie theatre. (occasionally)
We occasionally go to the movie theatre.

e. My brother is in America. He telephones us. (from time to time)
My brother is in America. He telephones us from time to time.

f. My mother gets up at five o’clock. (always)
My mother always gets up at five o’clock.

g. He does not like alcoholic drinks but takes some wine. (now and then)
He does not like alcoholic drinks but now and then takes some wine.

h. I drink my tea with milk. (generally)
Generally, I drink my tea with milk.

i. Have you been to Agra? (ever)
Have you ever been to Agra?

j. The restaurant hours vary as it is booked for special events. (frequently)
The restaurant hours vary frequently as it is booked for special events.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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