Class 5 My Science, Health and Physical Education Guide : Part 1 - Science Lesson 12- The Solar System Guide

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Class 5 My Science, Health and Physical Education Guide

Part 1 - Science

Lesson 12- The Solar System

1. Put a tick (√) if the statement is correct and a cross (×) if it is wrong.

Answer 👉 

a. The moon is the satellite of the earth. (√)

b. The planets have their own light. (×)

c. The venus is the smallest planet of the solar system. (×)

d. Different creatures live on the earth. (√)

e. The process in which the bright portion of the moon increases or decreases is called the phases of the moon (√)

2. Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’.

Answer 👉 

a. Planet (earth) ( ) dark night

b. Jupiter (the largest planet) ( ) moon

c. New Moon ( ) star

d. Satellite (moon) ( ) the largest planet

( ) earth

( ) full moon night

3. Fill in the blanks with correct words.

Answer 👉 

a. The solar system has eight planets.
b. The heavenly bodies that moves round the planets are called satellites.
c. It takes nearly 365 days for the earth to complete one circle by moving round the Sun.
d. The dark portion of the moon faces the earth on new moon day.
e. Stars have their own light.

4. Answer the following questions.
a. What is the solar system?
Answer 👉 The solar system is a system of celestial bodies comprising a star (the Sun) and all the objects that are gravitationally bound to it, including eight planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other space debris.

b. Write the names of eight planets of the solar system.
Answer 👉 The eight planets of the solar system in order from the Sun are:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

c. What is phases of the moon?
Answer 👉 Phases of the moon refer to the different appearances of the illuminated portion of the moon as seen from the Earth due to its changing position relative to the Sun. The phases of the moon include new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent.

d. How are the umbra and penumbra formed? Show it with a figure.
Answer 👉 Umbra and penumbra are the two parts of a shadow that are formed when an opaque object blocks the light from a source. The umbra is the darkest part of the shadow where all light from the source is blocked, while the penumbra is the lighter, outer part of the shadow where only a portion of the light from the source is blocked. The figure below shows the formation of umbra and penumbra during a solar eclipse when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.

e. How is the lunar eclipse seen? Explain with a figure.
Answer 👉  Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, causing it to appear reddish-brown. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon phase. The figure below shows how lunar eclipse is seen from the Earth.

f. What are the differences between stars and planets ? Write any two differences.
Answer 👉 Two differences between stars and planets are:
  • Stars generate their own light and heat through nuclear fusion, while planets do not generate their own light and heat but reflect the light of their star.
  • Stars are much larger and more massive than planets, and are made up of gases, while planets are smaller and can be composed of solid or gaseous materials.

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