Class 9 English Guide : Unit 1 Travel and Holidays Guide 2080

Book Soluction Nepal

 Class 9 English Guide

Unit 1

Travel and Holidays Guide

Look at the pictures and talk about them.
1st image
Chitwan National Park

2nd image
Burj Khalifa, Dubai

3rd image
Lumbini, Nepal

4th image
Taj Mahaj, India

Reading I
Look at the picture and answer the questions.
(similar picture that is in the book)

a. What do you think the man in the picture is doing?
Answer - He is doing Yoga.

b. Are you planning to travel or go on a holiday this
Answer - "Answer yourself with a help of a teacher"

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Poon Hill Yoga Trek in Nepal

A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
column A                                                 column B
a. magnificent-----------------------------  vi. extremely attractive and impressive
b. glaciers----------------------------------  v. rivers of ice
c. hotspot-----------------------------------  vii. a place of significant activity
d. astonished------------------------------  ii. surprised; amazed
e. enchanting------------------------------  i. charming
f. flora and fauna------------------------  iii. plants and animals
g. perennial-------------------------------  iv. throughout the entire year

B. Circle the correct answer.
a. What are the visitors expected to achieve the most in this package holiday?
Answer - 
i. enjoyment of panoramic views of mountain and landscapes
ii. plenty of physical activity in the lap of nature
iii. self-transformation with Yoga in serene hill stations
Answer - iii. self-transformation with Yoga in serene hill stations

b. What will the visitors do on the first day of their tour?
i. go to Pokhara 
ii. discuss the programme
iii. practise Yoga for an hour
Answer -  ii. discuss the programme

c. Where will they stay on the fourth day?
i. at Tikhedhunga
ii. at Banthanti 
iii. at Ghorepani
Answer - ii. at Banthanti

d. What is the destination of the visitors on the sixth day?
i. Ghorepani 
ii. Tadapani 
iii. Deurali
Answer - 

e. Which place will the tourists visit last as a part of the package?
i. Ghandruk 
ii. Nayapul 
iii. Pokhara
Answer - i. Ghandruk 

C. Answer the following questions.
a. List any two advantages of the Yoga trek in the Nepali hilly region.
Answer - The two advantages are: - a wonderful opportunity to witness natural beauty and observe hidden Nepali culture.

b. Who can take part in this Yoga trek programme?
Answer - The interested people who would like to strengthen their body,
mind and soul.

c. What would you enjoy the most in Ghandruk if you were one of the
visitors? Why?
Answer - I would enjoy close-up views of Annapurna and Machhapuchare if I were one of the visitors in Ghandruk because it is very close to there.

d. How many days do the visitors do Yoga during the programme?
Answer - The visitors do Yoga every day during the journey.

e. How is the Yoga hour mainly managed every day on this holiday trek?
Answer - The Yoga hour is managed after morning tea and in the
evening every day on this holiday trek.

D. Have you ever been on a holiday trip or travelled to different
places? Mention the hotspots, points of interest, etc. Share your
experiences with your friends.
Answer - "Do yourself with the help of the teacher"

Class 9 English Guide Unit 1 Travel and Holidays Guide


Pronounce the following words with the help of your teacher.
Answer - (Read from your book with help of your teacher)

Grammar I
B. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences.
a. It's really hot here. .......a window.
i. I’ll open 
ii. I’m opening
Answer - i. I’ll open

b. I don't have a bank account. ............ an account in Nepal Bank
i. I’ll open 
ii. I’m going to open
Answer - ii. I’m going to open

c. A: Would you take tea or coffee? B: ......... a coffee, please.
i. I’ll have 
ii. I’m going to have
Answer - I’ll have 

d. I've decided that ......... to the class teacher about my family
i. I’ll speak 
ii. I’m going to talk
Answer - ii. I’m going to talk

e. Next week, we .............. on lake Rara.
i. will boat 
ii. will be boating
Answer - ii. I’m having

f. I would love to go out with you tomorrow but ......... dinner
with Dolma.
i. I’ll have 
ii. I’m having
Answer - ii. I’m having

g. I can't come to class next Monday .......... a tooth taken out.
i. I’ll have 
ii. I’m having
Answer - ii. I’m having

Writing I

Imagine that you are going on a three-day trek during your vacation. What
will you do on different days? Write short paragraphs about your plans.
Answer -
I am planning to go trekking next week on our summer vacation. I am intending to go
on this trek with my family to Nagarkot. On these three-day walks, we are going to enjoy the scenic natural beauty on the way. Watching the green forest and majestic mountains, we will walk to Nagarkot. Our main intention to be there is to observe the splendid sunrise and sunset. On the other hand, we are thinking of tasting delicious local food there as well.

After witnessing that magical moment, we will trek down to Paani Muhan and play in the water over there. During this trek, we are going to click many family photos for a fabulous memory.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Reading II

Look at the picture below and answer the questions.
a. Where do you think the man in the picture is?
Answer - I think the man in the picture is returning to his home from work.

b. Why do you think he has stopped there?
Answer - In my opinion, he has stopped there in order to watch the snowfall.

A. Find the words from the text that match the following meanings.
a. an area of trees, smaller than a forest
Answer - wood

b. strange or unusual
Answer - queer

c. the main house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives
Answer - farmhouse

d. a set of leather and metal pieces that is put around the body of a horse
Answer - harness

e. movement of the air
Answer - wind

f. covered in something very soft
Answer - downy flake

B. Choose the correct answer.
a. Why does the speaker stop while on the journey?
i. to watch the woods filled up with snow
ii. to find food for his or her horse
iii. to say hello to the owner of the woods
iv. to go skating on a frozen lake
Answer - i. to watch the woods filled up with snow

b. What is the setting of the poem?
i. the woods on a bright, snowy afternoon
ii. a village on a dark, snowy evening
iii. a frozen lake on a bright, snowy afternoon
iv. the woods on a dark, snowy evening
Answer - iv. the woods on a dark, snowy evening

c. Which one of the following statements is true?
i. The woods are far away from the village.
ii. The woods are near some houses.
iii. The owner of the woods and speaker are friends.
iv. The speaker of the poem does not like the owner of the woods.
Answer - i. The woods are far away from the village.

d. How did the horse respond when the speaker stopped there?
i. stood calm ii. did nothing
iii. shook its harness
iv. asked the speaker a question
Answer - iii. shook its harness

e. What does 'miles to go before I sleep' mean?
i. The speaker feels tired and sleepy.
ii. The speaker has lots of desires to fulfill.
iii. The speaker has lots of responsibilities to fulfill.
iv. The speaker has a long distance to travel.
Answer - iii. The speaker has lots of responsibilities to fulfill.

C. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box to complete the summary of the poem.
(Read your book and find your answer here) 
1. Journey
2. traveler
3. destination
4. the woods
5. promises
6. death

D. Recall a journey you have recently made. Who accompanied
you on the journey? Did you enjoy it? Compose a short poem
about it.
Answer - 
I was the gladdest thing
Under the sun!
I touched a hundred flowers
And not picked one.
k T looked at cliffs and clouds
With quiet eyes,
Watched the wind bow down the grass,
And the grass rise.
And when lights began to show
Up from the town,
I marked which must be mine,
And then started down!

Do this work in the classroom.

Grammar II
A. Use the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets to com-
plate the sentences.

a. As per the schedule, the train ................... (leave) at 3 o'clock.
Answer - leaves

b. Look, that airplane is looking shaky! It ....................... (crash).
Answer - is going to crash

c. My daughter says she ............... (be) a doctor when she is older.
Answer - is going to be

d. Tomorrow ......................... (be) a sunny day, according to the weather forecast.
Answer - is going to be

e. A: What ................ (do) tomorrow evening?
Answer - will you do

....... B: Nothing special. I think I ................... (stay) at home.
Answer -  will stay

f. It’s very stuffy here. Don't worry, I ....................... (open) the windows for you.
Answer - will open

g. Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The
nearest petrol station is a long way from here. She ...... (run) out of petrol.
Answer - will open

h. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with
water quickly. It...............(sink).
Answer - is going to sink

Writing II

Write a letter to your friend describing your travel plans for your
upcoming holiday or visit. Take help from the following questions to
write your letter.

Answer - 

5 April, 2022
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Dear Gita,

I thought to drop you a few lines as I will not be at home for a few days. I am going for a short trek. Here, I am going to tell you about my plan. I am planning to go trekking next week on our summer vacation. I am intending to go on this trek with my family
to Nagarkot. On the three-day walks, we are going to enjoy the scenic natural beauty on the way. Watching the green forest, fresh air, and majestic mountains we will walk to Nagarkot. Our main intention to be there is to observe the splendid sunrise and set. On the other hand, we are thinking of tasting delicious local food there as well.

After witnessing that magical moment, we will trek down to Paani Muhan and play in the water over there. During this trek, we are going to click many family photos for a fabulous memory. hope you will like my plan. Hey, why don't you join us if you are free on those days and do not have your own plan? Please let me know your decision.


Project work

Prepare a set of questions to find out your friends’ plans and intentions
for the future. Meet at least four of your classmates to get their views, and
note them down. Share their plans and intentions with the whole class.

Answer - Are you willing to stay in the village or move to the city for your
further study? Which school or college do you want to join after passing SEE? What is your goal in life? How will you achieve the goals of your life?
I asked the above questions to my friend Ram, Gita, Harisaran, and Shrecjana to get their views. Ryan stated that he is having a three-day visit to Chitwan National Park after his SEE with his friends Regarding his further study, he plans to move to Butwal and study Management at Lord Buddha Management College. His goal in life is to be a Bank Manager. He also stated to me that he will study and work sincerely in order to pursue his goal. Similarly, Gita will visit Kathmandu with her parents and stay at her uncle's house for about a week. She also mentioned that Science will be her major subject after passing SEE and she will study it in her nearby town. She wants to be a scientist in the future and for this, she is determined to study and work very hard.

Likewise, another friend Harisaran reported to me his plan that he is visiting several places in Kailali and Kanchanpur for about two weeks with his cousin after passing SEE. He is willing to choose the Humanities faculty and take English as a major subject in his own village. He wants to be a tourist guide in the future and for this, he wants to build his skills through different pieces of training and seminars along with his further study. In a similar vein, Shreejana told me that she is planning to visit Lumbini and Tilaurakot for about ten days with her uncle after passing SEE. She is willing to take Education faculty and Nepali as her major subject and wants to be a Nepali Teacher in the future. And, in order to be an exemplary teacher, she wants to work very hard in her study and learn about teaching methods and skills.

Class 9 English Guide - Click any unit and view class 9 English notes

Unit - 1 Travel and Holidays

Unit - 2 Health and Hygiene

Unit - 3 Family, Market and Public Places

Unit - 4 Life and Death

Unit - 5 Ethics, Norms and Values

Unit - 6 Custom and Culture

Unit - 7 Ecology and Environment

Unit - 8 Science and Technology

Unit - 9 Work and Leisure

Unit - 10 The Earth and Space

Unit - 11 Gadgets and Instruments

Unit - 12 People and Places

Unit - 13 Organisation Profile and Authority

Unit - 14 History and Civilisation

Unit - 15 People and Lifestyle

Unit - 16 Games and Sports

Unit - 17 Global Warming and Climate Change

Unit - 18 Transportation and Communication

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